Safety Score Improvement Plan

Safety Score Improvement Plan

Safety Score Improvement Plan for MedPoint Nursing Home

This safety plan sets out the steps the MedPoint Nursing Home will take in support of the National Safety Score initiative to achieve a reduced harm to patients by 50% over the next two years. The plan gives ways in which the nursing home leadership will continue to prop up its commitment to the safety of the patients. Working within the umbrella of Chicago Science Network, the plan focuses on patient safety partnerships through the development of capacity and capability to achieve the required changes in the clinical practice that can be sustained.

The MedPoint Approach is an exclusive philosophy developed by the pioneers of the hospitals over 30 years ago which forms the basis of the care culture in our facility. The reputation of the home lives to its goal of compassionate, professional, and patient-focused quality care provided with dignity and sensitivity to the culture of all our clients. Safety of patients is implicit in the core values of the approach. However, from the data and score on patient safety, there is an alarming increase in safety concerns amongst our customers. This trend has necessitated the development of this plan to improve the MedPoint Approach and the safety scores.

Nursing Leadership to Drive the Changes

The Nursing Director is the strategic leader of the patient safety for the home. The director will lead the Sign Up to Safety and ensure that activities and progress are included in the quality account as well as the performance reviews. The director will oversee the Patient experience team, education team, and the Collaborative team.

To demonstrate this commitment, the MedPoint Approach, which is the underlying mission of the services provided, will go further and make the pledge explicitly in its drive to offer high-quality nursing care to our clients. The plan pays particular attention to the rising cases of patient infection that has affected our patient safety scores in the Hospital Safety Score rankings (Burke, 2003).

To support this initiative, the nursing leadership will plan and deliver workshops on the improvement methods and subject to funding; the workshops will be facilitated by the employees with proven experience in running such projects. The strategic enablers, who include the education team and the patient experience team members, will receive training through engaging the partnerships and the National Sign Up to safety resource groups (Shekelle, et al, 2013).

Besides, the nursing leadership will be responsible for building the organizational capacity so that there is a competent safety community. This community includes all employees, patients and visitors to the facility. The patient experience teams will primarily be responsible for supporting the community approach. The approach will be expanded through partnerships with other care providers and other interested parties (Shekelle, et al, 2013).

Central to successfully achieving a 50% reduction in harm, and in particular eliminating the infection incidences, lies in developing the knowledge and skill sets to improve the methodologies including PDSA cycles, measurements of improvements, and driver diagrams. The MedPoint Nursing home will receive further support from the National Sign Up to Safety and through equipping the Medical Library Service with relevant resource materials.

Safety Score Improvement Plan
Safety Score Improvement Plan

Systems Approach

 As it has mentioned, achieving zero infections incidences and reducing the overall harm by 50% in the next two years will require a system thinking approach. This management thinking requires that the managers have an understanding that it takes the various components of the facility to attain patient safety. The different parts of the system in question involve the patients, their families, the medical staff and the support staff and all visitors. There has been some mention of support staff being involved in adverse events, and this has formed the basis for further work in this plan to include staff response to embed the principles of work ethics.

The plan also recognizes the need to engage the patients in improving the health safety of all people that access the facility. The patient experience group, supported by the health information unit will lead the creation and development of the patient engagement initiative in the institution. The aim of this development is to increase the input of the patients in influencing the care provided at all levels in our organizational structure. Using this tactic together with continuous training of the medical and nursing staff about the best practices will help reduce the incidences of harm. Besides, proper recording of the infection rates and the causes will enable the management to take precautionary measures to avoid future occurrences (Hughes, 2008).

Safety Score Improvement Plan Essay

Recommendations In curbing the rising infection incidences, this plan recommends the following as both short- term and long-term actions that ca………………..


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